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Carol Maanyatja Golding

$ 450.00 AUD
320 x 490 mm
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Carol Maanyatja Golding was born at Walu rockhole not far from Warakurna. This etching shows country Carol Golding travelled around when she was a child. She shows the Muruntjarra Outstation. Beautiful tali country and big kapi (water) and a big salt lake. She has also etched Walu and Tjukula pirni rockholes. Type: Zinc Plate Colours used: Yellow Paper: Hahnemuhle Paper Size: 66 x 39 cms Collaborator: Basil Hall Printer: Sean Smith This print has been drawn by the artist and hand printed at Basil Hall Editions. Once the editioning has been completeed, the plate, block, stone or silkscreen stencils will be destroyed, cancelled or re-grained (in the case of a lithograph) ensuring no further prints will be taken from the matrix.
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